General information
- name: BNet
- type: Ladder team game (AT/RT)
- host:
- saver: Knight-1
map: Highperch
- players: 6
- length: 115:16
- speed: Fast
- version: 1.21 W3XP
- replay type: Public
» download(459 KB)
team 1 (winner)
yellow | 45 APM | 5138 actions | 115:16)
9 Blademaster
3 Wind Walk
3 Critical Strike
1 Bladestorm
2 Mirror Image
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 8 | |
Basic commands | 51 | |
Build / train | 74 | |
Enter build submenu | 67 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 10 | |
Give item / drop item | 10 | |
Right click | 3500 | |
Select / deselect | 476 | |
Select group hotkey | 702 | |
Use ability | 239 | |
5138 total
» units
Peon | 14 | |
Troll Batrider | 9 | |
Wind Rider | 8 | |
31 total
» upgrades
Reinforced Defenses | 1 | |
Ranged Weapons | 3 | |
Liquid Fire | 1 | |
Armor | 2 | |
Envenomed Spears | 1 | |
8 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms | 2 | |
Orc Burrow | 6 | |
War Mill | 1 | |
Watch Tower | 60 | |
Stronghold | 1 | |
Voodoo Lounge | 3 | |
Fortress | 1 | |
Beastiary | 4 | |
78 total
» build order
00:07 Altar of Storms
00:09 Orc Burrow
00:32 War Mill
02:19 Watch Tower
02:23 Watch Tower
02:36 Watch Tower
02:47 Stronghold
03:34 Voodoo Lounge
03:38 Voodoo Lounge
03:41 Watch Tower
03:46 Watch Tower
04:03 Orc Burrow
04:10 Watch Tower
04:30 Watch Tower
04:32 Watch Tower
05:10 Fortress
05:26 Watch Tower
06:30 Watch Tower
06:32 Watch Tower
06:43 Beastiary
06:47 Beastiary
06:54 Beastiary
08:37 Watch Tower
08:44 Voodoo Lounge
11:09 Orc Burrow
12:07 Watch Tower
12:08 Watch Tower
13:46 Orc Burrow
14:17 Watch Tower
14:17 Watch Tower
19:39 Watch Tower
19:42 Watch Tower
19:43 Watch Tower
19:44 Watch Tower
19:50 Watch Tower
19:51 Watch Tower
19:52 Watch Tower
20:59 Watch Tower
21:00 Watch Tower
21:23 Watch Tower
21:24 Watch Tower
21:48 Watch Tower
21:49 Watch Tower
21:49 Watch Tower
22:36 Watch Tower
22:39 Watch Tower
22:50 Watch Tower
22:51 Watch Tower
22:57 Watch Tower
22:57 Watch Tower
22:59 Watch Tower
25:29 Watch Tower
25:30 Watch Tower
25:31 Watch Tower
25:31 Watch Tower
25:32 Watch Tower
25:33 Watch Tower
25:34 Watch Tower
26:12 Watch Tower
26:13 Watch Tower
27:00 Watch Tower
27:01 Watch Tower
27:02 Watch Tower
28:25 Orc Burrow
28:29 Altar of Storms
28:40 Beastiary
28:42 Orc Burrow
28:46 Watch Tower
28:47 Watch Tower
28:48 Watch Tower
28:49 Watch Tower
29:43 Watch Tower
31:15 Watch Tower
31:16 Watch Tower
31:34 Watch Tower
31:38 Watch Tower
31:42 Watch Tower
31:44 Watch Tower
» items
Healing Salve | 6 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 8 | |
Orb of Lightning | 1 | |
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 4 | |
21 total
dirtmcWORDUP (
orange | 21 APM | 2411 actions | 115:16)
6 Archmage
3 Blizzard
2 Brilliance Aura
1 Mass Teleport
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 27 | |
Basic commands | 68 | |
Build / train | 98 | |
ESC pressed | 6 | |
Enter build submenu | 55 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 6 | |
Give item / drop item | 1 | |
Right click | 980 | |
Select / deselect | 295 | |
Select group hotkey | 630 | |
Use ability | 245 | |
2411 total
» units
Peasant | 14 | |
Dragonhawk Rider | 33 | |
47 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 4 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 2 | |
Armor | 3 | |
Magic Sentry | 1 | |
Animal War Training | 1 | |
Swords | 3 | |
Cloud | 1 | |
15 total
» buildings
Lumber Mill | 2 | |
Farm | 20 | |
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Scout Tower | 37 | |
Arcane Tower | 6 | |
Guard Tower | 13 | |
Town Hall | 1 | |
Arcane Vault | 2 | |
Keep | 1 | |
Blacksmith | 1 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 2 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 3 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
Castle | 1 | |
91 total
» build order
00:13 Lumber Mill
00:31 Farm
00:40 Altar of Kings
00:50 Scout Tower
01:17 Arcane Tower
01:25 Scout Tower
02:02 Guard Tower
02:05 Scout Tower
02:07 Scout Tower
02:21 Farm
02:34 Guard Tower
02:42 Guard Tower
02:59 Scout Tower
03:19 Scout Tower
03:26 Guard Tower
03:30 Scout Tower
04:07 Scout Tower
04:07 Scout Tower
04:09 Scout Tower
04:11 Scout Tower
04:13 Guard Tower
04:50 Guard Tower
04:55 Scout Tower
04:56 Scout Tower
04:57 Scout Tower
04:58 Scout Tower
05:09 Guard Tower
05:11 Guard Tower
06:26 Town Hall
06:31 Guard Tower
06:34 Arcane Vault
06:37 Lumber Mill
06:52 Guard Tower
08:45 Keep
08:49 Scout Tower
08:50 Scout Tower
08:50 Scout Tower
08:52 Scout Tower
08:53 Scout Tower
08:54 Scout Tower
08:55 Scout Tower
08:55 Scout Tower
08:56 Scout Tower
10:51 Blacksmith
11:00 Guard Tower
11:57 Arcane Sanctum
12:00 Gryphon Aviary
12:02 Arcane Sanctum
12:55 Barracks
12:58 Castle
13:58 Scout Tower
15:01 Farm
15:02 Farm
15:47 Farm
15:48 Farm
15:51 Farm
15:52 Farm
15:55 Farm
16:33 Scout Tower
16:34 Scout Tower
16:35 Scout Tower
16:35 Scout Tower
16:37 Scout Tower
16:37 Scout Tower
16:39 Scout Tower
16:40 Scout Tower
16:54 Arcane Tower
16:55 Arcane Tower
16:55 Arcane Tower
18:21 Guard Tower
19:15 Guard Tower
20:48 Gryphon Aviary
20:51 Gryphon Aviary
21:01 Farm
21:06 Farm
21:10 Farm
21:11 Farm
22:15 Scout Tower
22:16 Scout Tower
22:18 Scout Tower
22:19 Scout Tower
23:36 Arcane Tower
24:02 Arcane Tower
31:29 Farm
32:10 Farm
32:18 Arcane Vault
32:57 Farm
33:36 Farm
33:59 Farm
34:11 Farm
34:41 Farm
» items
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
Healing Salve | 1 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 3 | |
Orb of Lightning | 1 | |
7 total
Mata. (
teal | 36 APM | 4202 actions | 115:16)
5 Goblin Tinker
2 Pocket Factory
3 Engineering Upgrade
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 86 | |
Basic commands | 137 | |
Build / train | 135 | |
ESC pressed | 17 | |
Enter build submenu | 37 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 5 | |
Give item / drop item | 5 | |
Remove unit from queue | 7 | |
Right click | 1952 | |
Select / deselect | 785 | |
Select group hotkey | 859 | |
Use ability | 176 | |
4202 total
» units
Peasant | 20 | |
Flying Machine | 31 | |
51 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 3 | |
Plating | 3 | |
Gunpowder | 3 | |
Flak Cannons | 1 | |
Flying Machine Bombs | 1 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 2 | |
13 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Farm | 13 | |
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Scout Tower | 23 | |
Guard Tower | 27 | |
Arcane Tower | 1 | |
Town Hall | 1 | |
Keep | 1 | |
Blacksmith | 2 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Workshop | 4 | |
75 total
» build order
00:05 Altar of Kings
00:19 Farm
00:51 Farm
01:00 Lumber Mill
02:13 Scout Tower
02:15 Scout Tower
02:33 Scout Tower
02:40 Farm
02:43 Guard Tower
02:44 Guard Tower
02:44 Guard Tower
02:46 Scout Tower
02:47 Scout Tower
03:07 Arcane Tower
03:18 Guard Tower
03:18 Guard Tower
03:18 Guard Tower
03:42 Scout Tower
03:43 Scout Tower
03:44 Scout Tower
03:47 Scout Tower
04:17 Guard Tower
04:17 Guard Tower
04:19 Scout Tower
04:20 Scout Tower
04:52 Guard Tower
04:53 Scout Tower
04:54 Scout Tower
05:34 Guard Tower
05:34 Guard Tower
05:37 Scout Tower
05:37 Scout Tower
05:38 Scout Tower
06:22 Town Hall
06:40 Guard Tower
06:57 Guard Tower
07:33 Guard Tower
07:33 Guard Tower
08:24 Keep
09:09 Scout Tower
09:10 Scout Tower
09:11 Scout Tower
09:12 Scout Tower
09:13 Scout Tower
09:15 Scout Tower
10:28 Blacksmith
10:29 Blacksmith
10:55 Guard Tower
11:12 Castle
11:47 Guard Tower
11:47 Guard Tower
12:08 Workshop
12:09 Workshop
12:12 Scout Tower
14:10 Farm
14:16 Farm
18:02 Farm
18:02 Farm
18:03 Farm
18:04 Farm
18:06 Farm
19:11 Guard Tower
19:11 Guard Tower
19:22 Farm
19:23 Farm
19:24 Farm
21:44 Workshop
22:01 Workshop
» items
Staff of Teleportation | 6 | |
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
Healing Salve | 1 | |
Orb of Lightning | 1 | |
Tiny Great Hall | 1 | |
Potion of Healing | 1 | |
Mechanical Critter | 11 | |
22 total
team 2 (loser)
Effan.ator (
blue | 35 APM | 3485 actions | 98:57)
3 Keeper of the Grove
2 Entangling Roots
1 Thorns Aura
3 Warden
2 Shadow Strike
1 Blink
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 317 | |
Basic commands | 35 | |
Build / train | 67 | |
Enter build submenu | 16 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 6 | |
Give item / drop item | 2 | |
Remove unit from queue | 1 | |
Right click | 1593 | |
Select / deselect | 715 | |
Select group hotkey | 575 | |
Use ability | 158 | |
3485 total
» units
Wisp | 18 | |
Archer | 7 | |
Chimaera | 16 | |
Druid of the Talon | 2 | |
43 total
» upgrades
Reinforced Hides | 3 | |
Strength of the Wild | 4 | |
Corrosive Breath | 1 | |
Druid of the Talon Training | 2 | |
10 total
» buildings
Moon Well | 8 | |
Altar of Elders | 1 | |
Ancient of War | 2 | |
Hunter's Hall | 1 | |
Tree of Ages | 1 | |
Tree of Eternity | 1 | |
Ancient of Wind | 1 | |
Chimaera Roost | 3 | |
18 total
» build order
00:15 Moon Well
00:17 Moon Well
00:35 Altar of Elders
01:30 Ancient of War
01:56 Ancient of War
02:08 Moon Well
02:21 Moon Well
04:34 Hunter's Hall
05:06 Tree of Ages
07:27 Tree of Eternity
07:30 Ancient of Wind
07:33 Moon Well
07:36 Moon Well
07:39 Moon Well
10:43 Chimaera Roost
10:45 Chimaera Roost
10:46 Chimaera Roost
20:01 Moon Well
» items
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
Dust of Appearance | 1 | |
Staff of Preservation | 1 | |
3 total
Knight-1 (
green | 24 APM | 2780 actions | 115:16)
3 Demon Hunter
2 Mana Burn
1 Evasion
2 Warden
1 Blink
1 Fan of Knives
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 3 | |
Build / train | 115 | |
ESC pressed | 2 | |
Enter build submenu | 24 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 5 | |
Remove unit from queue | 1 | |
Right click | 1668 | |
Select / deselect | 894 | |
Select group hotkey | 5 | |
Use ability | 63 | |
2780 total
» units
Wisp | 50 | |
Huntress | 4 | |
Archer | 3 | |
Hippogryph | 3 | |
Chimaera | 3 | |
Mountain Giant | 9 | |
Druid of the Claw | 2 | |
74 total
» upgrades
Hippogryph Taming | 1 | |
Corrosive Breath | 1 | |
Strength of the Wild | 3 | |
Reinforced Hides | 3 | |
Strength of the Moon | 3 | |
Moon Armor | 3 | |
Druid of the Talon Training | 2 | |
Druid of the Claw Training | 2 | |
Abolish Magic | 1 | |
Mark of the Claw | 1 | |
Hardened Skin | 1 | |
Resistant Skin | 1 | |
Well Spring | 1 | |
Ultravision | 1 | |
Nature's Blessing | 1 | |
25 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders | 1 | |
Moon Well | 7 | |
Hunter's Hall | 1 | |
Ancient of War | 2 | |
Ancient Protector | 5 | |
Tree of Ages | 1 | |
Ancient of Wind | 2 | |
Tree of Eternity | 1 | |
Tree of Life | 3 | |
Chimaera Roost | 1 | |
Ancient of Wonders | 1 | |
Ancient of Lore | 1 | |
26 total
» build order
00:14 Altar of Elders
00:28 Moon Well
01:36 Hunter's Hall
02:01 Moon Well
02:27 Ancient of War
02:31 Ancient of War
03:19 Moon Well
03:24 Ancient Protector
03:26 Ancient Protector
03:53 Tree of Ages
06:15 Moon Well
06:25 Ancient of Wind
06:31 Ancient of Wind
07:18 Tree of Eternity
08:43 Tree of Life
09:43 Chimaera Roost
10:57 Moon Well
11:05 Moon Well
12:42 Tree of Life
12:49 Ancient of Wonders
15:25 Ancient Protector
15:29 Ancient Protector
18:18 Ancient of Lore
19:11 Ancient Protector
21:05 Moon Well
33:29 Tree of Life
» items
Dust of Appearance | 3 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
Anti-magic Potion | 1 | |
Staff of Preservation | 1 | |
Potion of Healing | 1 | |
7 total
Legend_Knight (
red | 32 APM | 3611 actions | 111:51)
4 Death Knight
2 Death Coil
2 Unholy Aura
» actions
Basic commands | 44 | |
Build / train | 88 | |
Enter build submenu | 24 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 4 | |
Give item / drop item | 2 | |
Remove unit from queue | 9 | |
Right click | 2261 | |
Select / deselect | 1086 | |
Use ability | 93 | |
3611 total
» units
Acolyte | 19 | |
Crypt Fiend | 30 | |
Ghoul | 4 | |
Gargoyle | 3 | |
Frost Wyrm | 8 | |
64 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack | 2 | |
Creature Carapace | 2 | |
Web | 1 | |
Freezing Breath | 1 | |
6 total
» buildings
Graveyard | 1 | |
Ziggurat | 13 | |
Altar of Darkness | 1 | |
Crypt | 3 | |
Tomb of Relics | 1 | |
Nerubian Tower | 1 | |
Halls of the Dead | 2 | |
Black Citadel | 1 | |
Sacrificial Pit | 1 | |
Boneyard | 1 | |
25 total
» build order
00:20 Graveyard
00:25 Ziggurat
00:37 Altar of Darkness
00:58 Crypt
01:25 Tomb of Relics
01:37 Ziggurat
03:11 Nerubian Tower
05:13 Ziggurat
05:57 Ziggurat
07:00 Halls of the Dead
07:10 Crypt
08:49 Ziggurat
09:27 Black Citadel
09:43 Sacrificial Pit
12:02 Boneyard
13:30 Ziggurat
13:33 Ziggurat
17:08 Ziggurat
17:15 Ziggurat
44:45 Ziggurat
57:04 Crypt
57:07 Ziggurat
57:11 Ziggurat
57:17 Ziggurat
Chat log
(01:00 / Allies) Effan.ator: looking at yellows record he sucks
(01:07 / Allies) Legend_Knight: k
(01:11 / Allies) Legend_Knight: good for us
(01:12 / Allies) Effan.ator: and tea
(01:14 / Allies) Effan.ator: teal*
(01:37 / Allies) Effan.ator: meet with hero
(02:28 / Allies) Effan.ator: ok ready?
(02:34 / Allies) Legend_Knight: in a sec
(02:43 / Allies) Knight-1: where u live knight
(02:53 / Allies) Legend_Knight: Quebec
(03:04 / Allies) Knight-1: ok
(03:05 / Allies) Effan.ator: get their heros
(03:57 / Allies) Effan.ator: lets kill these nnoob
(03:59 / Allies) Effan.ator: noobs*
(04:02 / Allies) Legend_Knight: yea
(04:16 / Allies) Effan.ator: meet fast
(04:22 / Allies) Effan.ator: i almost got teals hero
(04:29 / Allies) Effan.ator: got mb right
(04:48 / Allies) Effan.ator: where they at?
(04:58 / All) BEAR_AND: hahaha lol
(05:19 / Allies) Effan.ator: OMFG
(05:23 / Allies) Knight-1: creep
(05:23 / Allies) Legend_Knight: omfg
(05:24 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: welcome to highperch enjoy ur stay
(05:24 / Allies) Effan.ator: tech now!
(05:37 / Allies) Effan.ator: wow they r gay
(05:39 / Allies) Legend_Knight: ill get mass gargoyle
(05:42 / Allies) Effan.ator: ok
(05:46 / Allies) Effan.ator: im going to chims
(05:49 / Allies) Legend_Knight: they getting air
(05:55 / Allies) Knight-1: mass hippo
(06:00 / Allies) Effan.ator: green get hippos with archrs
(06:08 / Allies) Legend_Knight: creep
(06:31 / Allies) Effan.ator: i got mass chims green mass hippos and red gargs with webbing fiends?
(06:40 / Allies) Legend_Knight: yea
(07:08 / Allies) Effan.ator: my upgrade almost done
(07:15 / Allies) Legend_Knight: kk
(07:57 / Allies) Effan.ator: kill him!
(08:11 / Allies) Effan.ator: im coming
(08:19 / Allies) Effan.ator: ill entangle
(08:24 / Allies) Effan.ator: bm
(08:31 / Allies) Effan.ator: got him
(08:35 / Allies) Effan.ator: aw
(09:03 / Allies) Effan.ator: get a shadow or 2 plz red
(09:09 / Allies) Legend_Knight: kk
(09:11 / Allies) Effan.ator: 200 each
(09:12 / Allies) Effan.ator: plz
(09:13 / Allies) Effan.ator: 4 chims
(09:14 / Allies) Legend_Knight: and wyrm?
(09:20 / Allies) Effan.ator: sur if u want
(09:23 / Allies) Effan.ator: 4 freeze :)
(09:26 / Allies) Knight-1: im getting chims 2
(09:31 / Allies) Effan.ator: sur
(09:35 / Allies) Knight-1: eternity done here
(09:41 / Allies) Effan.ator: mines lmost
(09:50 / Allies) Legend_Knight: ill get frost n garg
(09:50 / Allies) Effan.ator: ill give u gold 4 lumber green
(09:58 / Allies) Effan.ator: omw
(09:59 / Allies) Effan.ator: cancel
(10:34 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: cya lol.
(10:40 / Allies) Effan.ator: wow they suck
(10:49 / Allies) Knight-1: see in solo i get more rigged then that
(11:00 / Allies) Effan.ator: ???
(11:09 / Allies) Knight-1: cheapshoting us omg
(11:13 / Allies) Effan.ator: oh
(11:16 / Allies) Legend_Knight: which side
(11:20 / Allies) Effan.ator: gogogo shadw lol
(11:34 / Allies) Effan.ator: get web
(11:42 / Allies) Legend_Knight: gerttnig
(11:53 / Allies) Effan.ator: lots of fiends with web bats>all air
(12:07 / Allies) Effan.ator: get expos guys
(12:15 / Allies) Knight-1: well they ganged mine bs
(12:26 / Allies) Effan.ator: ill protect
(12:31 / Allies) Effan.ator: 100 lumber plz
(12:48 / Allies) Effan.ator: thanks
(12:53 / Allies) Effan.ator: wow mass towers
(13:03 / Allies) Effan.ator: thats his main base
(13:07 / Allies) Effan.ator: tanks??
(13:12 / Allies) Legend_Knight: copter or tank
(13:43 / Allies) Legend_Knight: wtf
(13:49 / Allies) Effan.ator: knights??
(13:57 / Allies) Legend_Knight: idk
(14:27 / Allies) Effan.ator: omw!
(14:40 / Allies) Effan.ator: hes ganna tp
(14:50 / Allies) Legend_Knight: yea
(14:53 / Allies) Effan.ator: told u
(15:43 / Allies) Effan.ator: they ganna lose hopefully :)
(15:48 / Allies) Effan.ator: get it red
(15:56 / Allies) Effan.ator: crap
(16:08 / Allies) Effan.ator: no more shades
(16:15 / Allies) Effan.ator: they got mass aa
(16:19 / Allies) Effan.ator: hawks and bats :(
(16:20 / Allies) Legend_Knight: yea
(16:32 / Allies) Effan.ator: get bac red
(16:52 / Allies) Legend_Knight: seem like a long ass game
(17:00 / Allies) Effan.ator: yeah
(17:17 / All) BEAR_AND: how u feeling, gentelmen,
(18:01 / Allies) Effan.ator: we attack soon
(18:06 / Allies) Legend_Knight: ok
(18:29 / Allies) Effan.ator: meet
(19:00 / Allies) Effan.ator: left side weaker
(19:10 / Allies) Legend_Knight: im not sure
(19:20 / Allies) Effan.ator: chims fully uped??
(19:24 / Allies) Legend_Knight: this side weaker
(19:31 / Allies) Effan.ator: meet
(19:31 / Allies) Effan.ator: lol
(19:37 / Allies) Legend_Knight: but tey got bat
(19:42 / Allies) Effan.ator: and i think ojs bats are more danger than hawks
(20:06 / Allies) Effan.ator: red get goldmine
(20:18 / Allies) Effan.ator: get bm!!!
(20:24 / Allies) Effan.ator: dispell
(20:35 / Allies) Effan.ator: CRAP
(20:35 / Allies) Knight-1: buy scroll
(20:36 / Allies) Knight-1: at my hop
(20:38 / Allies) Knight-1: shop
(20:47 / Allies) Effan.ator: i need my kotg lvl 2 entangle
(21:15 / Allies) Effan.ator: crap my goldmine gone
(21:19 / Allies) Effan.ator: lets get ready to fight
(21:43 / Allies) Effan.ator: let chims go first
(21:46 / Allies) Effan.ator: but have fiends
(22:11 / Allies) Effan.ator: DISPEELLL
(22:13 / Allies) Effan.ator: mb
(22:24 / Allies) Effan.ator: OMFG
(22:27 / Allies) Effan.ator: ok lets attack
(22:37 / Allies) Effan.ator: come back over here
(22:52 / Allies) Effan.ator: lets split attack???
(22:58 / Allies) Effan.ator: half fiends one side
(23:01 / Allies) Effan.ator: half other side
(23:05 / Allies) Legend_Knight: dont think its a good idea
(23:06 / Allies) Effan.ator: ill attack this side
(23:09 / Allies) Effan.ator: ok
(23:09 / Allies) Knight-1: we need to stcik
(23:12 / Allies) Knight-1: stick
(23:19 / Allies) Effan.ator: ok come over here legend
(23:31 / Allies) Effan.ator: ???
(23:41 / Allies) Legend_Knight: for produce
(23:49 / Allies) Effan.ator: produce?
(24:15 / Allies) Knight-1: what a gay
(24:22 / Allies) Effan.ator: ATTACK!!!
(24:24 / Allies) Effan.ator: chims go
(24:24 / All) BEAR_AND: hey
(24:24 / Allies) Knight-1: hit
(24:27 / All) BEAR_AND: wat u doign.
(24:31 / Allies) Effan.ator: just chims
(24:36 / Allies) Effan.ator: get fiends close
(24:51 / Allies) Effan.ator: freeze towers
(26:52 / Allies) Effan.ator: horrible :(
(27:08 / Allies) Effan.ator: ???
(27:18 / Allies) Legend_Knight: mass copter
(27:21 / Allies) Effan.ator: crap
(27:25 / Allies) Effan.ator: get units up here
(27:50 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: this is suckag
(27:53 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: suckage*
(28:22 / Allies) Effan.ator: attack!
(28:45 / Allies) Effan.ator: should have gone around with air and attack their basses :(
(28:48 / Allies) Effan.ator: stupid on our part
(28:50 / Allies) Knight-1: yeah
(29:05 / Allies) Effan.ator: still mass copters
(29:07 / Allies) Effan.ator: yup:(
(29:09 / Allies) Effan.ator: get more fiends
(29:22 / Allies) Effan.ator: gold plz??
(29:32 / Allies) Effan.ator: for kotg
(29:36 / Allies) Effan.ator: thanks
(29:49 / Allies) Effan.ator: omfg bm is gay
(29:54 / Allies) Knight-1: yeah it makes me want to quit
(30:10 / Allies) Effan.ator: dont leave
(30:20 / Allies) Legend_Knight: blue you want the expan?
(30:24 / Allies) Legend_Knight: i can sell gold mine
(30:28 / Allies) Effan.ator: no
(30:30 / Allies) Effan.ator: keep it
(30:33 / Allies) Knight-1: its a waste of time
(30:48 / Allies) Effan.ator: lol
(31:14 / All) Mata.: g*d you guys are so f***ing gay
(31:46 / Allies) Effan.ator: dont let fiends get hit by towers
(31:55 / Allies) Knight-1: no more upgrade in hunters hall for me
(31:57 / Allies) Effan.ator: dh b
(32:18 / All) BEAR_AND: damn.....
(32:18 / Allies) Legend_Knight: brg ur giant?
(32:26 / Allies) Effan.ator: ???
(32:28 / Allies) Effan.ator: huh
(32:30 / All) Mata.: NOT GG
(32:32 / All) Mata.: BAD GAME
(32:38 / All) Effan.ator: how?
(33:14 / Allies) Legend_Knight: someone need too get
(33:21 / Allies) Effan.ator: got no gold
(33:33 / Allies) Legend_Knight: green give some gold to effan
(33:35 / Allies) Effan.ator: we got this guys
(33:52 / Allies) Legend_Knight: teal got a mass copter
(33:52 / All) BEAR_AND: hey r u there.
(33:58 / Allies) Effan.ator: dont respond
(33:59 / All) BEAR_AND: r u 486
(34:21 / Allies) Effan.ator: protect like mad
(34:34 / Allies) Effan.ator: get ready to mana burn him
(34:42 / Allies) Effan.ator: nice mgs
(34:50 / Allies) Effan.ator: bm
(35:43 / Allies) Effan.ator: we need to kill the bm and we win
(36:01 / Allies) Legend_Knight: there a limit of copter wainting us
(36:11 / Allies) Effan.ator: somewhere
(36:15 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: gg u win
(36:16 / Allies) Effan.ator: stick with me
(36:23 / Allies) Effan.ator: red
(36:26 / All) BEAR_AND: shut up andy
(36:27 / Allies) Legend_Knight: bm
(36:30 / All) BEAR_AND: we never give up
(36:32 / Allies) Effan.ator: on it
(36:47 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: how do we win lol
(36:51 / All) Mata.: goddamnit josh you siad you were good at this game
(36:55 / All) BEAR_AND: I AM
(36:57 / Allies) Effan.ator: lol
(37:04 / Allies) Effan.ator: towers
(37:05 / All) BEAR_AND: almost 50%
(37:19 / All) Mata.: guys what asre your records
(37:33 / Allies) Effan.ator: that bm is
(37:37 / All) BEAR_AND: dont even talk to them; they are rude.
(37:54 / Allies) Effan.ator: dont get close to towers
(37:59 / Allies) Effan.ator: dont let a single unit die
(37:59 / All) Knight-1: ok man stfu plz keep crying bitch can u fucking leave now since u lost u fucking noob need to tower to tech
(38:38 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: lol.....i humbly decline that proposal.
(38:52 / Allies) Legend_Knight: come blue
(38:54 / Allies) Effan.ator: where?
(38:59 / Allies) Effan.ator: omw
(39:00 / Allies) Legend_Knight: we ill kill yellow base
(39:48 / Allies) Effan.ator: more chim on way
(40:12 / All) BEAR_AND: fuck
(40:16 / All) BEAR_AND: lets try
(40:17 / All) BEAR_AND: to
(40:19 / Allies) Effan.ator: if we see the bm death coil it
(40:20 / All) BEAR_AND: have a rematch
(40:22 / All) BEAR_AND: give us 15 min
(40:24 / All) BEAR_AND: stop
(40:24 / All) BEAR_AND: stop
(40:25 / All) BEAR_AND: stop
(40:30 / All) BEAR_AND: let us rebuil for 15 min
(40:35 / All) Knight-1: enoug is enough im a finish this
(41:21 / Allies) Legend_Knight: ewait for spider
(41:22 / Allies) Effan.ator: that bm is mine
(41:50 / All) Legend_Knight: where is your copter??
(41:55 / Allies) Effan.ator: shhh
(41:58 / All) Mata.: imba creep on this map...
(41:58 / Allies) Effan.ator: dont ask them that
(42:02 / All) Mata.: i tried to creep..
(42:08 / Allies) Legend_Knight: why?
(42:11 / Allies) Effan.ator: ima save replay
(42:20 / All) Mata.: yo any tips;
(42:21 / Allies) Legend_Knight: kk
(42:24 / Allies) Effan.ator: to see what they did
(42:26 / All) Mata.: i'm going to watch the replay to try and get better
(42:32 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: like french tips that guirls get on they nails
(42:35 / All) Effan.ator: u do that
(42:47 / Allies) Effan.ator: lol
(42:49 / All) BEAR_AND: watch ur wisp
(42:57 / All) BEAR_AND: *poog*
(42:58 / Allies) Effan.ator: BM
(43:22 / Allies) Effan.ator: gold plz
(43:27 / Allies) Effan.ator: green
(43:33 / Allies) Legend_Knight: can i sell my town?
(43:34 / Allies) Effan.ator: watchout ur bears are abvout to get owned by the towers
(43:38 / Allies) Knight-1: yes
(43:46 / Allies) Knight-1: thx effa
(43:48 / Allies) Effan.ator: i saved 2 towers
(43:56 / All) BEAR_AND: our last base.... damn
(44:33 / All) BEAR_AND: *poog*
(44:41 / Allies) Effan.ator: meet up and lets get their mass towers
(44:43 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: u guys know any special ways of mast*Rbating?
(44:56 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: ui always try to perfect my technique
(45:19 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: u ever hear of the stranger? u sit on ur hand until it goes numb then jerk off and since u dont feel ur hand its like somebody
(45:23 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: is jerkin u off for u
(45:38 / All) Effan.ator: gg?
(45:41 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: gg
(45:42 / All) Mata.: gg..
(45:42 / All) BEAR_AND: no
(45:44 / All) Knight-1: gg noobs omg
(45:50 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: gg was fun
(45:51 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: re?
(45:53 / All) Mata.: do you like long games
(46:05 / All) Effan.ator: lol
(46:40 / Allies) Knight-1: get burrows
(46:44 / Allies) Knight-1: and burrow 1 at each
(46:45 / Allies) Effan.ator: scout whole tower
(46:52 / Allies) Effan.ator: burrows?
(46:56 / Allies) Knight-1: with fiends
(46:56 / Allies) Effan.ator: we have no orc
(46:58 / Allies) Knight-1: get burrows
(47:05 / Allies) Effan.ator: OH
(47:05 / Allies) Knight-1: burrow
(47:12 / Allies) Knight-1: and burro
(47:27 / Allies) Legend_Knight: i cant
(47:33 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: hello.
(47:43 / All) BEAR_AND: are you there .?
(47:49 / Allies) Effan.ator: dont talk to them
(47:50 / Allies) Legend_Knight: why?
(48:04 / Allies) Effan.ator: they r thir prolly
(48:17 / All) BEAR_AND: welcome
(48:22 / All) Mata.: hi
(48:22 / Allies) Legend_Knight: how do u get there?
(48:24 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: welcome to highperch enjoy ur stay......
(48:26 / All) Mata.: tell me how you fell about this..
(48:37 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: a lil taste
(48:42 / Allies) Effan.ator: OMFG
(48:50 / Allies) Effan.ator: fieds!!
(49:03 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: maybe u learnt ur lesson.
(49:14 / All) Legend_Knight: how did u get there
(49:21 / All) Knight-1: man they so bastards
(49:38 / Allies) Effan.ator: check
(49:39 / All) Knight-1: ur place is not in w3 plz quit the game and dont ever play
(49:49 / All) Knight-1: nah i dont want to check other fountain omg
(49:53 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: hello lag.
(49:54 / All) Knight-1: cya guys last time im going in 3v3
(49:59 / All) Mata.: ??
(50:05 / All) Knight-1: good fucking luck
(50:08 / Allies) Effan.ator: how can we still see them?
(50:09 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: gl
(50:13 / All) Legend_Knight: come and fight
(50:13 / All) BEAR_AND: wat a big noop u are.
(50:22 / All) Mata.: how do i get down
(50:23 / All) Knight-1: i dont need to be pussy and hide
(50:31 / Allies) Legend_Knight: how can we fucking get up ther
(50:32 / All) BEAR_AND: 1v1?
(50:41 / All) Knight-1: i dont have time to waste with a dude who towers
(50:46 / All) BEAR_AND: u dodge
(50:50 / All) BEAR_AND: speakign of pussy. .. .
(50:51 / All) Knight-1: and cheap shot people
(51:01 / All) Knight-1: and need to wait people in their base to fight
(51:05 / All) BEAR_AND: i guess you know i will win then.....
(51:14 / All) Knight-1: yes u win by cheapshot i would not be proud of this
(51:14 / All) BEAR_AND: thanks for the forfeit
(51:17 / All) Knight-1: yeah i am
(51:22 / All) Knight-1: u just l2play
(51:23 / Allies) Effan.ator: how did they get up there?
(51:26 / All) Mata.: ofc you not proud you lost...
(51:27 / All) Knight-1: we dont give a damn
(51:32 / All) Knight-1: how the fuck they got therre
(51:47 / All) Knight-1: i know how
(51:49 / All) BEAR_AND: if u promist to keep a secret, i will say
(51:53 / All) Knight-1: i know how
(51:55 / Allies) Effan.ator: how?
(51:57 / All) Knight-1: theres no fucking Secret
(51:59 / All) BEAR_AND: yea right
(51:59 / Allies) Effan.ator: dont speak to all
(52:01 / All) Knight-1: archamage lvl 6
(52:04 / All) Legend_Knight: i know
(52:05 / All) Knight-1: THEY MASS TELE
(52:08 / Allies) Legend_Knight: no
(52:08 / All) Knight-1: ON A AIR UNITS
(52:09 / All) BEAR_AND: our archamage is level 5 haha
(52:11 / All) Knight-1: PEASENTS
(52:15 / All) Knight-1: yeah
(52:15 / Allies) Legend_Knight: voodoo ashop
(52:21 / Allies) Legend_Knight: air unit
(52:25 / Allies) Effan.ator: ???
(52:26 / Allies) Effan.ator: how
(52:28 / All) BEAR_AND: and u can't mass tele to a air unit
(52:29 / Allies) Legend_Knight: build town then telle
(52:31 / All) BEAR_AND: noob
(52:41 / All) Knight-1: how can u build town
(52:44 / All) Knight-1: if u cant get there
(52:47 / All) BEAR_AND: promist not to tell
(52:50 / Allies) Legend_Knight: voodoo
(52:57 / All) Effan.ator: yea
(52:58 / All) Knight-1: ok im not telling if u open ur mouth
(53:00 / Allies) Effan.ator: what u mean
(53:10 / All) Mata.: if you promis not to report to bliz
(53:13 / All) BEAR_AND: promis not to report....
(53:17 / All) Knight-1: allright haackers
(53:20 / All) Legend_Knight: ok
(53:20 / All) Effan.ator: hacks?
(53:26 / All) BEAR_AND: its more like a glitch
(53:29 / All) Knight-1: theres no fucking way to get there
(53:41 / All) BEAR_AND: well u see it with you're own 2 eye
(53:43 / All) Mata.: you were REALLY rude... during match...
(53:49 / All) Mata.: so...
(53:50 / All) BEAR_AND: we here,,,,, wether you like or hate
(53:51 / All) Knight-1: well
(53:57 / Allies) Effan.ator: dont leave
(54:11 / Allies) Legend_Knight: ill be afk for a sec
(54:16 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: why r u so angerey a game. lightin up is my motto.
(54:18 / All) Knight-1: u guys are making us more waste time can u plz come to tell us how?
(54:23 / Allies) Legend_Knight: ill b back in 15 min
(54:38 / All) Knight-1: im not angry at all Caps writing means being pissed not angry
(54:50 / All) BEAR_AND: pised is angry. same thing
(54:51 / All) Knight-1: first u tower then u get in a place
(54:58 / All) Knight-1: no im not
(55:10 / All) Knight-1: ur just waisting my time cauz u dont want to tell me how u got there
(55:19 / All) Knight-1: im just reporting u guys
(55:23 / All) BEAR_AND: plz
(55:23 / All) BEAR_AND: no
(55:25 / All) Knight-1: u fucking hack us and glitch
(55:25 / All) BEAR_AND: plz no
(55:26 / All) Knight-1: omg
(55:30 / All) Knight-1: gg guys i got ur Ip's
(55:32 / All) Effan.ator: come on leave
(55:33 / All) BEAR_AND: no
(55:34 / All) BEAR_AND: plz
(55:37 / All) Knight-1: good fucking game
(55:41 / Allies) Effan.ator: lps?
(55:47 / All) BEAR_AND: dont call blizzard at 647-869-9830
(55:49 / All) BEAR_AND: plz dont
(55:50 / All) Effan.ator: leave and we wont report u guys
(55:53 / All) Knight-1: i just need to /help support
(55:56 / All) Legend_Knight: if u leave we not report
(56:04 / All) Mata.: we can't leave...
(56:08 / All) Mata.: josh is almost 50%...
(56:09 / All) Effan.ator: y not?
(56:20 / All) BEAR_AND: i need this win,....u don't understand
(56:28 / All) Effan.ator: w/e leave
(56:31 / All) Legend_Knight: so come and fight
(56:39 / Allies) Legend_Knight: give gold knight
(56:58 / All) Knight-1: theres a hidden shop
(57:03 / All) Knight-1: not showed on map
(57:06 / All) Knight-1: or they destroy it
(57:08 / All) Knight-1: by hacks
(57:13 / Allies) Legend_Knight: no
(57:19 / All) Knight-1: and if they wanted this win
(57:26 / Allies) Legend_Knight: they just buied a shop orc
(57:28 / All) Knight-1: why not come and get all our buildings
(57:37 / All) Knight-1: man if they build a orc shop it does nothing
(57:47 / All) Knight-1: they cant use the Great hall thing
(57:51 / All) Knight-1: if they cant even get there
(57:57 / Allies) Legend_Knight: they can buy a orc vilage
(58:07 / Allies) Legend_Knight: and tele whit stick on a flying unit
(58:19 / Allies) Legend_Knight: then they telport whit a sroll
(58:20 / All) Knight-1: well they said we cant
(58:27 / All) Knight-1: u cant tp scroll on a unit
(58:29 / Allies) Legend_Knight: they ling
(58:37 / All) Knight-1: ok im a do the test
(58:39 / Allies) Legend_Knight: on a towbn yes
(58:41 / All) Knight-1: and if it works they suck
(58:51 / All) Knight-1: unable to target air units
(58:57 / All) Mata.: sea i told you
(59:01 / All) Knight-1: so ...
(59:03 / All) BEAR_AND: we arent liars
(59:10 / Allies) Legend_Knight: come and fight
(59:15 / All) Legend_Knight: come and fight
(59:23 / All) Knight-1: i dont want the fight i want the secret
(59:52 / All) BEAR_AND: watch out wisps
(60:13 / Allies) Legend_Knight: get more chim
(60:16 / Allies) Legend_Knight: and attak
(60:31 / Allies) Legend_Knight: afk
(61:57 / Allies) Knight-1: dirtmcwordup
(62:17 / Allies) Effan.ator: let me d something
(62:28 / All) Knight-1: wait u guys are 2
(62:32 / Allies) Effan.ator: ima harss and reds ganna web :)
(62:39 / All) Knight-1: 2 humans u guys are right
(62:47 / All) BEAR_AND: 2 humen and a orc
(62:49 / Allies) Effan.ator: u back legend?
(62:52 / Allies) Legend_Knight: yea
(63:00 / Allies) Effan.ator: ok hers the plan
(63:05 / All) Knight-1: whats oj hero?
(63:08 / Allies) Effan.ator: get ready to web like mad
(63:10 / All) Knight-1: and Teal
(63:11 / Allies) Effan.ator: am
(63:15 / All) Knight-1: teal is Am
(63:18 / All) Knight-1: and whats OJ
(63:20 / All) BEAR_AND: wat
(63:21 / All) Mata.: oj is am..
(63:25 / All) BEAR_AND: teal is not am
(63:25 / All) Knight-1: and teal is am
(64:16 / Allies) Knight-1: THE MONEY
(64:19 / All) Knight-1: WHERE IS THE MONEY
(64:22 / All) Knight-1: did u waste it
(64:23 / All) Knight-1: omg
(64:25 / All) BEAR_AND: hush
(64:27 / Allies) Effan.ator: ???
(64:33 / Allies) Legend_Knight: blue got it
(64:38 / Allies) Legend_Knight: sec
(64:40 / Allies) Effan.ator: not much
(64:47 / Allies) Knight-1: unsummon all ur building
(64:49 / Allies) Legend_Knight: ill get money
(64:50 / All) Knight-1: and give me money
(64:53 / All) Knight-1: i found something
(65:12 / All) Knight-1: blink to them
(65:24 / Allies) Effan.ator: wtf u doing
(65:25 / Allies) Effan.ator: not my hero
(65:36 / Allies) Effan.ator: dont mess with her
(65:55 / Allies) Effan.ator: brb
(65:55 / All) Knight-1: man theres no Mercenary that can blink
(65:57 / All) Knight-1: so they hacked
(65:58 / Allies) Effan.ator: ganna check other ting
(66:01 / All) Knight-1: and they dont want to kill us why that
(66:11 / Allies) Effan.ator: duh they hacked
(66:21 / Allies) Legend_Knight: yea
(66:22 / All) Knight-1: there is no ellf
(66:30 / All) Knight-1: they dont have a race that can posses a wips
(66:31 / All) Knight-1: wisp
(66:36 / All) Knight-1: and so they can have warden
(66:37 / All) Knight-1: and blink
(66:45 / All) Knight-1: \
(66:51 / All) Mata.: will u solve the mystery
(66:52 / Allies) Effan.ator: wtf?
(67:05 / Allies) Effan.ator: leave her alone lol
(67:05 / Allies) Legend_Knight: wtf
(67:15 / All) BEAR_AND: there should be a show on discovery chanel about highperch
(67:34 / All) Knight-1: guys can we know now
(67:35 / Allies) Effan.ator: how r they scouting me??
(67:39 / All) Knight-1: so i swear to god i leave the game
(67:40 / Allies) Effan.ator: c
(67:42 / All) Knight-1: and say nothing
(67:51 / All) BEAR_AND: plz dont report
(67:55 / All) Knight-1: tell us how i leave
(67:57 / All) Knight-1: and dont report
(68:08 / All) BEAR_AND: ok u ever use worled editer?
(68:09 / All) Knight-1: and now before i change my mind tell me
(68:18 / All) Knight-1: cauz i can leave my computer turned on for years
(68:20 / All) Knight-1: i dont care
(68:28 / All) BEAR_AND: did u ever use world editer
(68:36 / Allies) Legend_Knight: yea
(68:39 / All) Knight-1: u edited the game
(68:41 / All) Knight-1: wo
(68:42 / All) BEAR_AND: no
(68:43 / All) BEAR_AND: no
(68:47 / All) BEAR_AND: i ask u a question
(68:48 / All) BEAR_AND: did u?
(68:54 / Allies) Knight-1: c quoi ca veu dire edit
(68:56 / Allies) Knight-1: lol
(68:59 / All) BEAR_AND: i guess not.
(69:03 / Allies) Effan.ator: coptwers almost got me :(
(69:05 / All) BEAR_AND: anyway it is the prog that come with wc3
(69:08 / All) BEAR_AND: to make maps
(69:09 / All) Legend_Knight: i did at starcraft
(69:12 / All) Knight-1: ok
(69:14 / All) BEAR_AND: all teh units have a number
(69:32 / All) Knight-1: ok and...
(69:34 / Allies) Effan.ator: wait dont leave
(69:35 / Allies) Effan.ator: just tp
(69:36 / All) BEAR_AND: and razor mane medicine man is right next to zeplin
(69:51 / All) BEAR_AND: and on the other side of zoppelin is arch mage
(70:04 / All) BEAR_AND: so if you cast a ward on this cave thing on highperch, adnt hen blizzard it
(70:05 / All) Knight-1: i need to hire them
(70:07 / All) BEAR_AND: a zep appear.
(70:17 / All) Knight-1: wut
(70:19 / Allies) Effan.ator: lets leave and just watch replay
(70:22 / Allies) Effan.ator: ???
(70:23 / All) Legend_Knight: show zep
(70:23 / All) BEAR_AND: sometime a pit lord works instead of arch mage
(70:26 / Allies) Legend_Knight: kk
(70:27 / All) BEAR_AND: ok look at teh tavren
(70:30 / All) BEAR_AND: and go north a little
(70:34 / All) BEAR_AND: there is a weird cave
(70:40 / All) Knight-1: ok
(70:41 / All) Knight-1: the hole
(70:45 / All) BEAR_AND: that is were the zeplind come from
(70:50 / All) Effan.ator: come to mid and attack if u guys win battle we leave if u guys lose battle we leave
(70:53 / All) BEAR_AND: if you put a ward on it
(70:57 / All) Knight-1: yeah
(71:05 / All) Knight-1: wow weird
(71:06 / All) BEAR_AND: then either rein of fire or blizzerd
(71:11 / All) BEAR_AND: and it makes a zep
(71:19 / All) Knight-1: ok thx
(71:25 / All) Knight-1: well i dont trustt
(71:28 / All) Knight-1: im a go test
(71:30 / All) Knight-1: brb guys
(71:33 / All) Knight-1: im a do that in a custom game
(71:38 / All) Knight-1: in this time u guys stay
(71:40 / All) Knight-1: if they lie
(71:43 / All) Knight-1: gg they reported
(71:49 / All) BEAR_AND: pleas
(71:49 / All) Knight-1: u guys sure its like this
(71:50 / All) BEAR_AND: no
(71:57 / All) Knight-1: cauz if i dont works gg for you guys
(71:59 / All) Effan.ator: guys come to mid and we battle
(71:59 / All) BEAR_AND: i said dont report....we truested you....
(72:04 / All) BEAR_AND: ok, are u ready
(72:06 / All) BEAR_AND: 2 batel
(72:08 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: ok guise im back lo.
(72:19 / All) Knight-1: well maybe its not the real trick
(72:22 / All) Knight-1: thas why
(72:30 / All) BEAR_AND: how do u know if you never even try
(72:37 / All) Knight-1: well im a have my friends here
(72:41 / All) Knight-1: waiting my confirmation
(72:47 / All) Knight-1: and even if u blast them before
(72:49 / All) Knight-1: im a report
(72:52 / All) BEAR_AND: ready 4 battle?
(72:53 / All) Knight-1: lol
(72:59 / All) Knight-1: thx guys
(73:10 / All) Knight-1: see soon ur account banned
(73:12 / Allies) Effan.ator: make sur ALL web is on auto
(73:16 / All) BEAR_AND: i add u to friends
(73:17 / All) Mata.: ???
(73:18 / All) BEAR_AND: if u dont ban
(73:22 / Allies) Legend_Knight: yea
(73:34 / All) Knight-1: noted ur names
(73:39 / All) Knight-1: added u on friends
(73:40 / All) Mata.: i thott we going to fight in mid....
(73:42 / All) Knight-1: all i have to do
(73:45 / All) Effan.ator: we r
(73:50 / All) BEAR_AND: are u ready
(73:52 / All) Knight-1: is go in the blizzard web site
(73:53 / All) BEAR_AND: to fight?
(73:54 / All) Knight-1: and report u guys
(73:57 / All) Knight-1: its easy
(73:59 / All) Effan.ator: yes we ready come on
(73:59 / All) Knight-1: a little post
(74:03 / All) Mata.: ok
(74:03 / All) BEAR_AND: hey u dident add me to friends
(74:04 / All) Mata.: go
(74:16 / All) BEAR_AND: gop
(74:21 / All) Mata.: oh fuck
(74:25 / All) BEAR_AND: uh oh
(74:34 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: lol....g
(74:35 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: gg
(74:43 / All) Mata.: those spders are so fucking imbalanced...
(74:52 / All) Knight-1: ok heal and go back
(74:55 / All) Knight-1: heal and go back
(75:08 / Allies) Knight-1: heal chims
(75:09 / Allies) Knight-1: at well
(75:12 / Allies) Knight-1: cmon
(75:15 / All) Knight-1: OR AT FOUNTAIN
(75:16 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: u justt killed
(75:18 / All) Mata.: i lost everything...
(75:20 / All) Knight-1: HEAL AT WELL OR FOUNTAIN
(75:33 / All) BEAR_AND: it all gone....
(75:38 / All) Effan.ator: then leave!
(75:44 / All) BEAR_AND: u said if we lose u leaf/.
(75:45 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: i thought u said u leave
(75:54 / All) Effan.ator: no we dint lose units u did
(75:54 / All) Knight-1: yeah
(75:56 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: wtf dont report
(75:57 / All) BEAR_AND: knight-1 u did not add me to friend yet
(75:59 / All) Knight-1: cauz i dont know if its tru
(76:03 / All) BEAR_AND: please add me
(76:04 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: wtf
(76:10 / All) Knight-1: i added you guys
(76:13 / All) BEAR_AND: tipe "/f a bear_and"
(76:14 / Allies) Knight-1: and i have ur name
(76:16 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: ill leave if u promose not to report me.....
(76:18 / Allies) Effan.ator: u guys have 255 gold??
(76:21 / All) Knight-1: i have all ur name
(76:23 / Allies) Legend_Knight: nio
(76:32 / All) Effan.ator: ok leave oj we wont report u ur not gay
(76:40 / All) Knight-1: well oj fucked my mine
(76:42 / All) Knight-1: 10 times
(76:47 / All) Knight-1: and my wisp 1000 time
(76:49 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: but ur gonna report my friends....
(76:57 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: wtf that was yellow lol
(76:58 / All) Knight-1: well yeah cauz 1 u wasted our time
(77:00 / All) Knight-1: and 2
(77:02 / All) Knight-1: u guys hacked
(77:09 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: well wtf im not leavig then.....
(77:11 / All) Knight-1: but 3. u guys spared us
(77:17 / All) Legend_Knight: u just have to change ur account
(77:19 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: hrmmmm
(77:19 / All) Knight-1: so i dont know if i should report
(77:29 / Allies) Effan.ator: come here
(77:39 / Allies) Effan.ator: i,a try and finish this
(77:39 / All) Knight-1: im a not report
(77:44 / All) BEAR_AND: THANK U
(77:47 / All) Knight-1: cauz u guys let us the victory
(77:47 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: ! lol tyvm
(77:50 / All) Knight-1: but seriously
(77:53 / All) Knight-1: can u leave now
(77:56 / All) BEAR_AND: i owe u one
(77:57 / All) Knight-1: so we get the win
(78:04 / All) Knight-1: im not reporting
(78:07 / All) Knight-1: i dont know
(78:14 / All) Knight-1: if ur trick is tru
(78:17 / All) Knight-1: i dont give a damn
(78:21 / All) Knight-1: i want the win
(78:23 / All) Knight-1: thas all
(78:28 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: wtf
(78:32 / All) Knight-1: so if u guys leave it will be like we never met
(78:34 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: stop it teal u shit bag
(78:40 / All) Knight-1: and i never knew about that trick
(78:41 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: stop lol
(78:50 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: no seriously stop wtf
(78:51 / All) Knight-1: what do u guys say
(78:59 / All) Mata.: green... i killing orange
(79:03 / All) Knight-1: good job
(79:04 / All) BEAR_AND: WTF
(79:06 / Allies) Knight-1: see i love dealing
(79:07 / All) Mata.: i work too hard on this acc...
(79:07 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: lol hes killing my
(79:22 / All) Knight-1: allright im not reporting u
(79:33 / All) BEAR_AND: teal beign a big loser
(79:35 / All) BEAR_AND: TKing
(79:56 / Allies) Effan.ator: yelow still has wyvrns
(80:18 / All) Knight-1: kill all the base
(80:23 / All) Knight-1: so u fail to archieve
(80:29 / All) Mata.: no i cant...
(80:34 / All) Knight-1: why u cant
(80:36 / All) Mata.: josh is my best friend...
(80:42 / All) Knight-1: what do u prefere loose ur account or loose one game
(80:50 / All) Knight-1: its up to you
(80:51 / All) Mata.: dont make me choose between my acc and josh...
(80:54 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: neither.....
(80:56 / All) Knight-1: im giving u the choise
(80:56 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: lol.
(81:09 / All) Knight-1: allright im gonna post on blizzard site
(81:14 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: could u leave i wont report u
(81:14 / All) BEAR_AND: please
(81:15 / All) BEAR_AND: no
(81:27 / All) Knight-1: sorry guys u being jerk all the time waisting time
(81:28 / Allies) Legend_Knight: report them nopw
(81:28 / All) Effan.ator: y would u report us?
(81:44 / Allies) Effan.ator: yea minimize and report
(81:56 / Allies) Legend_Knight: share control plz
(82:03 / Allies) Legend_Knight: ill control
(82:12 / Allies) Effan.ator: dont kill them
(82:25 / Allies) Effan.ator: or gg 4 us
(82:26 / Allies) Legend_Knight: why
(82:47 / All) BEAR_AND: touchdown.....
(82:47 / Allies) Legend_Knight: sorry guys
(82:51 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: hut hut hike
(82:53 / Allies) Effan.ator: DANG U
(82:55 / Allies) Legend_Knight: got fucked
(83:01 / All) BEAR_AND: were ur chemeara
(83:06 / All) Effan.ator: STFU
(83:09 / All) Legend_Knight: omfg
(83:16 / All) BEAR_AND: lol got u
(83:17 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: how u gona u gonna win booya
(83:27 / All) Effan.ator: how U ganna win??
(83:29 / All) BEAR_AND: look in blu base
(83:33 / All) BEAR_AND: *poog*
(83:34 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: ognna disconnect u lol
(83:35 / All) Knight-1: well i loose u loose account
(83:38 / All) Knight-1: i just need map name
(83:46 / Allies) Legend_Knight: highperch
(83:46 / All) BEAR_AND: its called Full Scale Assault
(83:46 / All) Knight-1: u guys remember map name
(83:59 / All) BEAR_AND: or Cherryville i 4get
(84:00 / Allies) Legend_Knight: highperch
(84:02 / All) Effan.ator: its called gay guys that wont leave
(84:16 / Allies) Legend_Knight: cya guys
(84:17 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: my blue and i hide a tree lol lol
(84:22 / All) BEAR_AND: owned
(84:24 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: we are doeng it for the lulz
(84:37 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: the lulz factor in this game is a 9.8
(85:01 / All) BEAR_AND: ur soooo owned
(85:10 / All) BEAR_AND: how many owns did i do this 50
(85:18 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: 50 a hour
(85:24 / All) BEAR_AND: so we at like 100 now
(85:25 / All) Effan.ator: come on finish us
(85:38 / All) BEAR_AND: u admit taht u lose?
(85:45 / All) Knight-1: man i cant found the map name
(85:50 / All) Knight-1: im a need help from clan memeber
(85:55 / All) Knight-1: legend knight
(86:02 / All) BEAR_AND: heres a hint........ur a noob.........
(86:03 / All) Knight-1: do u have clan members doing nothing
(86:06 / All) Effan.ator: well we are not gay and hack and we dont have any air to get up there
(86:08 / All) BEAR_AND: o man there's another one!!!
(86:10 / All) Knight-1: so u can tell me
(86:11 / All) BEAR_AND: 101
(86:13 / All) Knight-1: so they can search
(86:15 / All) Knight-1: in the 4v4 map
(86:18 / All) Knight-1: the map we playing
(86:21 / All) Knight-1: so i report them
(86:28 / All) Knight-1: we get the win and their account banned
(86:34 / All) BEAR_AND: man pls donot post this on the forum
(86:38 / All) BEAR_AND: pleas do not.
(86:42 / All) BEAR_AND: u said u wouldnt if we tell you
(86:43 / All) Effan.ator: THEN LEAVE
(86:45 / All) BEAR_AND: and we tell u
(86:49 / All) Knight-1: well ur not leaving
(86:50 / All) BEAR_AND:
(87:39 / Allies) Knight-1: problem is
(87:43 / Allies) Knight-1: i dont know on wich page
(87:46 / Allies) Knight-1: i can get to report
(87:48 / Allies) Knight-1: crap
(87:51 / Allies) Effan.ator: lol
(87:55 / Allies) Knight-1: help me found the page
(88:15 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: if u post this on the bnet forum ill flame u so bad lol
(88:23 / All) Effan.ator: flame?
(88:26 / All) Knight-1: do w/e u want
(88:26 / All) BEAR_AND: no doNT post it
(88:32 / All) Effan.ator: LEAVE
(88:37 / Allies) Effan.ator: u gay hackers
(88:50 / Allies) Knight-1: fuck i cant found it
(88:51 / All) Effan.ator: u gay hackers LEAVE and w ewont report
(88:58 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: no
(88:59 / All) BEAR_AND: can do
(89:03 / All) Knight-1: im serious u leave ur account will be clean
(89:03 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: we stay & u dont report
(89:09 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: we calling the shots hear.......
(89:12 / All) BEAR_AND: were ur tree LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(89:22 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: exploded. like ur ego
(89:24 / All) BEAR_AND: OWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(89:30 / All) Mata.: how can you be so cold green..
(89:36 / All) Mata.: look..
(89:38 / All) Mata.: it's like this..
(89:46 / All) Mata.: i payed 50 dollars for this acc on ebay..
(89:48 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: u guys are seriously pissing me off we won this game fair & square and u wont leave...seriously wtf is up with dat
(89:52 / All) Mata.: my mom would kill me if it got banned
(89:56 / Allies) Effan.ator: i about to leave i wanna watch replay and ban their accounts
(89:59 / All) Knight-1: theres no stupid
(90:01 / All) Knight-1: fair thing
(90:06 / All) Knight-1: ok u leave
(90:09 / All) Effan.ator: yeah hacking is fair?
(90:10 / All) Knight-1: and watch replay
(90:13 / All) BEAR_AND: i play wc w/ my older bro.... if he saw on the forum that i cheated i would be in mega trouble
(90:18 / All) Knight-1: while i keep on stay with them
(90:18 / All) BEAR_AND: ples don't post on forum
(90:22 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: ? we beat u u fucken leave seriously........its seriously starting to bother me that u wont go.........
(90:33 / All) Knight-1: i have all day
(90:41 / Allies) Effan.ator: same here
(90:41 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: no u dont u fat nerd u gotta eat lunch
(90:47 / All) Knight-1: l0ol no i dont
(90:48 / All) Knight-1: haha
(90:50 / Allies) Effan.ator: we all gave ctrl :)
(90:51 / All) Knight-1: im immortal
(91:02 / All) Knight-1: u cant do shit
(91:03 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: so stick a knife through ur stomach and show me a video
(91:10 / All) Knight-1: yeah yeah
(91:12 / Allies) Effan.ator: lol
(91:14 / Allies) Effan.ator: slomo kotg
(91:16 / All) Knight-1: u guys
(91:20 / All) Knight-1: making me
(91:26 / All) Knight-1: sentence to death
(91:29 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: stfu kid...kill urself
(91:32 / All) Knight-1: being violent with me
(91:37 / All) Knight-1: cauz i know u guys hacking
(91:37 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: NOW im really angry
(91:39 / All) Knight-1: and
(91:42 / All) Knight-1: u want to kill me
(91:44 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: u wouldnt not like me if im angerey
(91:47 / All) BEAR_AND: andy please dont make them post it
(91:50 / All) BEAR_AND: stop talkgin
(91:51 / All) Knight-1: i dont know where u live
(91:55 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: no fuck that josh hes p*issing me off
(92:11 / All) Knight-1: effa go check replay
(92:12 / All) Knight-1: plz
(92:16 / All) Knight-1: while
(92:19 / All) Knight-1: me and knight stay
(92:26 / Allies) Effan.ator: how i do that?
(92:29 / All) Knight-1: u leave game
(92:31 / Allies) Effan.ator: oh leave an u guys take over?
(92:31 / All) Knight-1: save replat
(92:34 / All) Knight-1: and go check it
(92:36 / All) Knight-1: then whipser
(92:38 / Allies) Effan.ator: i know i know
(92:41 / Allies) Effan.ator: ok im on it
(92:42 / All) Knight-1: the do it plz
(92:44 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: stfu all i hear is fat fat afat nerd nerd nerd
(92:44 / All) Knight-1: and tell me
(92:48 / All) Knight-1: if the trick they said
(92:49 / Allies) Effan.ator: ok hold on
(92:50 / All) Knight-1: is tru
(92:59 / All) Knight-1: healing ward on cavern
(93:01 / All) Knight-1: blizzard
(93:04 / Allies) Effan.ator: watch all the trees and use entangle on
(93:05 / All) Knight-1: not tru good game
(93:08 / All) Mata.: andy if you get me banned i'm going to fucking beat u up in school tomorrow
(93:14 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: lol u wish
(93:19 / Allies) Effan.ator: hey red u here?
(93:22 / Allies) Legend_Knight: yea
(93:25 / Allies) Effan.ator: ok use my
(93:29 / Allies) Effan.ator: use my kotrg
(93:33 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: is dat ur last
(93:35 / Allies) Legend_Knight: kk
(93:36 / All) Knight-1: man they had no elf in their team
(93:39 / All) Knight-1: so its not about elf
(93:40 / Allies) Effan.ator: and entangle
(93:48 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: shut up faggot nerd how old are u like 11
(94:00 / All) BEAR_AND: lolllL!L!!!!!!!!!!!!
(94:05 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: im 14 id kick ur azzzzzz
(94:07 / All) BEAR_AND: were ur tree!!!!!!!!!
(94:26 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: i bet u lpay with pokemans
(94:27 / Allies) Effan.ator: let me kill yelows hero first
(94:35 / All) Effan.ator: u know it lol
(94:42 / All) BEAR_AND: big nerd
(95:00 / All) BEAR_AND: *poog*
(95:04 / Allies) Legend_Knight: afk a sec
(95:10 / Allies) Effan.ator: ok
(95:15 / Allies) Effan.ator: once u get back red ill leave
(95:21 / Allies) Effan.ator: u guys have to saty!
(95:24 / Allies) Effan.ator: stay*
(96:41 / All) Knight-1: allright so all i have to do is send a email to B.ent
(96:45 / All) Knight-1: has they told me
(96:47 / All) Knight-1: of replay
(96:51 / All) Knight-1: and wtf happened
(96:57 / All) Knight-1: and u guys done
(97:09 / All) Knight-1: its pretty easy
(97:12 / All) Knight-1: all i have to do now
(97:13 / All) Knight-1: is post
(97:17 / All) Knight-1: click this little thing
(97:18 / All) Knight-1: post
(97:33 / Allies) Effan.ator: legend u back yet??
(97:40 / All) Knight-1: well u guys dont give a damn
(97:44 / All) Knight-1: allright here i come to report
(97:56 / Allies) Legend_Knight: kk
(98:10 / All) Knight-1: we azeroth right
(98:11 / Allies) Effan.ator: ok ima leave now and check replay'
(98:14 / All) Mata.: how did u send replay
(98:16 / Allies) Legend_Knight: im b
(98:18 / All) Mata.: if you don't have it yet
(98:20 / All) BEAR_AND: please do no t post it on the forum
(98:20 / All) Knight-1: Msn
(98:23 / All) Knight-1: i just need to leave
(98:24 / All) BEAR_AND: PLEASE Do not
(98:26 / Allies) Effan.ator: ok legend
(98:26 / All) Knight-1: then save replay
(98:28 / All) Knight-1: send email
(98:30 / Allies) Effan.ator: u got my kotg ok?
(98:31 / All) Knight-1: attach folder
(98:33 / All) Knight-1: and fuck u up
(98:37 / Allies) Legend_Knight: kk
(98:39 / Allies) Effan.ator: im leaving
(98:41 / All) Knight-1: ok
(98:43 / All) BEAR_AND: listen i dont care ifu email them
(98:45 / Allies) Effan.ator: stay and pwn these noobs
(98:48 / Allies) Effan.ator: ok
(98:48 / All) BEAR_AND: cause it never works
(98:50 / All) Knight-1: well im posting on site
(98:53 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: stfu fattyie boom battie
(98:54 / All) Knight-1: and emailing the replay
(98:55 / Allies) Effan.ator: cya
(98:56 / All) BEAR_AND: but if u post it on forum my bro will see.... please dont.....
(99:02 / All) Knight-1: im posting on forums
(99:06 / All) Knight-1: and in order to proove
(99:07 / All) Knight-1: myself
(99:08 / All) BEAR_AND: no,.....why
(99:10 / All) Knight-1: i need to send replay
(99:16 / All) Knight-1: only way i send email
(99:18 / All) Knight-1: replay
(99:20 / All) Knight-1: is by email
(99:23 / All) Knight-1: so gg
(99:26 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: ur 2 pussy to poston forum lol
(99:29 / All) BEAR_AND: no..... plaese don't
(99:48 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: u fucken pussy id are u 2 post it
(99:52 / All) Legend_Knight: if you dsont leave its your fucking problem
(99:52 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: ur 2 chicken shit 2 do it though
(99:56 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: so gg thanks for the win ty
(100:10 / Allies) Legend_Knight: do it man
(100:19 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: ty for the free win u pussy azz noobs....please post on forum so ever1 laugh at u for losing so bad
(100:32 / All) BEAR_AND: no.... com on...
(100:33 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: i dare u 2 do it.......but of coarse u wont
(100:40 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: |so thanks for the win loll
(100:41 / All) BEAR_AND: shut up andy
(100:54 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: ty lol.
(101:02 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: u there?
(101:05 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: thanks for da win
(101:14 / All) Knight-1: ok get ur win
(101:21 / All) Knight-1: but get ur account banned
(101:24 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: will u post on forum so i can laugh @ u
(101:25 / All) Knight-1: im not in a rush i got ur names
(101:26 / All) BEAR_AND: no don't PLEASE
(101:26 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: plz
(101:29 / All) Knight-1: i got the replay
(101:30 / All) BEAR_AND: i will do ANYTHING
(101:36 / All) Knight-1: i got everything
(101:39 / All) BEAR_AND: i had tihs acct for years
(101:40 / All) Knight-1: and in the replay
(101:43 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: promos u post it ok
(101:44 / All) Knight-1: it will be writing
(101:46 / All) Knight-1: plz dont post
(101:47 / All) Knight-1: haha
(101:49 / All) Knight-1: owned
(101:49 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: u fucken scared noob too scared to post it
(101:50 / All) Knight-1: haha
(101:57 / All) Knight-1: blizzard will see
(102:00 / All) Knight-1: wtf u guys are writing
(102:06 / All) Knight-1: the dont report plz
(102:08 / All) Knight-1: and the fat ass nerd
(102:13 / All) Knight-1: they will see everything
(102:15 / All) Knight-1: on that replay
(102:16 / All) Knight-1: im sorry guys
(102:22 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: so.....r u gonna post in bnet forum?
(102:22 / All) Knight-1: but this is what hackers deserve
(102:29 / All) Knight-1: yeah and send the replay
(102:42 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: post it
(102:43 / All) Knight-1: but i might not be able today but still they will get ur ips
(102:45 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: wats the subject gonna be
(102:48 / All) Knight-1: if i post today or in 1 year
(102:49 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: no post it now u fat nerd
(103:04 / All) Knight-1: im looking for the page where u post
(103:08 / All) Knight-1: :)
(103:14 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: ok wats the subject gonna be
(103:15 / All) Knight-1: and waiting effan.ator
(103:25 / All) Knight-1: none of ur buiseness
(103:25 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: wats the thread name lol
(103:32 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: no i wanna call u a noob lol
(103:55 / All) Knight-1: well Hackers rofl
(104:00 / All) Knight-1: what subject can i put else
(104:06 / All) Knight-1: haha whats that question
(104:10 / Allies) Legend_Knight: lol
(104:33 / All) Knight-1: evrything u saying
(104:37 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: cya lol
(104:39 / All) Knight-1: will be seen
(104:42 / All) Knight-1: by
(104:49 / All) Knight-1: thx to this replay
(104:49 / All) BEAR_AND: no that isent true
(104:52 / All) Knight-1: do u understand
(104:52 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: f*ck that i always block my cuss words
(104:53 / All) Knight-1: that
(104:58 / All) Knight-1: b.ent
(105:00 / All) Knight-1:
(105:02 / All) Knight-1: will see
(105:06 / All) Knight-1: what we writed
(105:17 / All) Knight-1: thx to this replay
(105:30 / All) BEAR_AND: wat if u lost the replay.....hehe
(105:36 / All) Knight-1: that saves movement and what u guys say in allies chat from each side
(105:49 / All) Knight-1: well i have effan.ator and Legend Knight saving it
(105:51 / All) Knight-1: no problem
(105:56 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: post it u fat tard
(106:03 / All) Knight-1: and how stupid can i be to loose replay
(106:06 / All) BEAR_AND: it does not save our ally chat
(106:11 / All) Knight-1: yes it does
(106:15 / All) BEAR_AND: no
(106:15 / All) Knight-1: they jut need
(106:15 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: noep
(106:16 / All) Knight-1: to go
(106:20 / All) Knight-1: to
(106:24 / All) Knight-1: u can choose
(106:28 / All) Knight-1: people u want to view
(106:36 / All) BEAR_AND: it doesnot save our chat though
(106:39 / All) BEAR_AND: just our dings
(106:40 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: it wont show ur enemies chat,,,,,,,,,only their tchat to all
(106:40 / All) Knight-1: in all yes
(106:47 / All) Knight-1: yeah in all
(106:51 / All) Knight-1: and in all u guys writed plz dont post me
(106:58 / All) Knight-1: rofl u owned ur selfs
(107:07 / All) BEAR_AND: wat
(107:07 / All) Knight-1: u just of aprooved u guys are hackers
(107:11 / All) Knight-1: and dont want me to post
(107:16 / All) Knight-1: cauz u guys know that u hacking
(107:19 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: yeah right ur too chicken sh!t to post it lol.
(107:20 / All) BEAR_AND: ur lyeing,,,,, you dont know how to post
(107:23 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: i bet u
(107:25 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: u wont post it
(107:31 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: because u know ur 2 scared
(107:35 / All) BEAR_AND: riddle me cna you post a replay on a forum.
(107:38 / All) Knight-1: im not chicken i just have difficulty posting
(107:43 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: u tard?
(107:50 / All) Knight-1: well im not founding page
(107:54 / All) Knight-1: but im a stay all day
(107:58 / Allies) Legend_Knight: tu peu tu vraiment poster?
(108:11 / All) dirtmcWORDUP:
(108:16 / All) Knight-1: thx bro
(108:23 / All) BEAR_AND: damn u andy
(108:28 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: u pussy azz piece of chicken sh!t ur 2 scared though lol
(108:34 / All) BEAR_AND: listen knight.....i have apaypal acct.
(108:38 / All) BEAR_AND: i will pay u to not post it
(108:43 / All) Legend_Knight: lol
(108:48 / All) Knight-1: its not working
(108:51 / All) Legend_Knight: i want my fucking win
(108:51 / All) BEAR_AND: this acct is worth a lot to me
(108:56 / All) Legend_Knight: so just leave
(108:56 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: cause ur fat fingers type it wrog.......
(109:30 / All) Knight-1: lol u guys lied me with the trick
(109:40 / All) Knight-1: and i cant post u guys
(109:44 / All) Knight-1: cauz i found u guys did not hacked
(109:58 / Allies) Legend_Knight: comment yon fait
(110:04 / All) Knight-1: attend
(110:14 / All) BEAR_AND: attend
(110:16 / All) dirtmcWORDUP:
(110:25 / All) BEAR_AND: STOP
(110:27 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: about halfway down in the middle u click warcraft 3 general discussion
(110:30 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: u pussy noob lol
(110:36 / All) BEAR_AND: if he post it im in big troubel
(110:37 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: i give u all thgis and i bet u still dont post........
(110:39 / All) Knight-1: ur not
(110:44 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: u know why? ur a puss
(110:50 / All) Knight-1: ur not hacking
(110:57 / All) Knight-1: i dont want to look stupid
(110:59 / All) Legend_Knight: comment yon faite
(111:02 / All) Knight-1: in front of
(111:06 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: lol u fat nerd i knew u 2 scared
(111:07 / All) Knight-1: u guys used Tinker
(111:09 / All) Knight-1: with the box
(111:18 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: quit
(111:20 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: leaave
(111:21 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: bye
(111:23 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: thanks for da win
(111:29 / All) BEAR_AND: thx for not reporting
(111:31 / Allies) Legend_Knight: salut
(111:31 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: ty
(111:36 / Allies) Legend_Knight: je men vas
(111:48 / Allies) Legend_Knight: jva regarder le repaly
(111:58 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: buyh byez
(112:01 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: ty for the win
(112:27 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: can u leave now thanx mucho fat boy
(112:44 / All) Knight-1: well u guys did not hack Good game cheap shot thing
(112:51 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: leave ty for win
(112:53 / All) BEAR_AND: iam glad my acct stay alive
(112:54 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: please post
(112:57 / All) BEAR_AND: big noob
(113:01 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: i knew u 2 scared
(113:04 / All) BEAR_AND: ur owned AGAIN
(113:04 / All) BEAR_AND: LOL
(113:06 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: i telled u all game
(113:10 / All) Knight-1: well i still have the replay
(113:18 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: so post i lol
(113:18 / All) BEAR_AND: yea ur not gona post it though
(113:20 / All) BEAR_AND: huuuuge nop
(113:21 / All) BEAR_AND: noop
(113:23 / All) Knight-1: if my friend did not noticed that for real u guys hacked i can post anyways
(113:31 / All) Knight-1: i cant post cauz i lost my cd key
(113:36 / All) Knight-1: anyways
(113:42 / All) BEAR_AND: big noob lol
(113:43 / All) Knight-1: and now u guys have the win wtf u guys want now
(113:48 / All) Knight-1: u done fucking with me
(113:53 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: post it lol
(114:03 / All) Mata.: post it and we give win..
(114:43 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: buh byez
(114:46 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: ty for win
(114:54 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: u = teh biggest of teh noobs
(115:08 / All) Knight-1: yeah ok
(115:11 / All) Knight-1: thank you
(115:14 / All) dirtmcWORDUP: ty mucho